Tag Archives: product review

Product Review: Laura Mercier Fail!

11 Dec

Laura Mercier’s Silk Creme Foundation has sadly not won my love. It applied beautifully, my eczema wasn’t even noticeable (it even covered better than the foundation I had that was *made* for eczema!), but it made me ORANGE. So it’s going back. Next foundation to try: Shiseido’s The Makeup Lifting Foundation!


Good news, though. A product I bought called “Egyptian Magic” is working awesomely. In *two* days my face is glowing, my eczema is almost nonexistent, my skin is smooth, and the terrible bout of acne I’ve had is disappearing! This stuff truly is “magic”. It’s got 6 ingedients: olive oil, bees wax, honey, bee pollen, royal jelly, and bee propolis. With those kind of ingedients, I didn’t hesitate to use it on my face. And the things you can do with this stuff is amazing. Plastic surgeons recommend it to patients because of its ability to heal new cuts and scars (old scars not so much), it can help with bruises, burns, bug bites, rashes, eczema,  and psoriasis; it can be used as a lp balm, it can be used to style your hair and soothe your scalp. It’s an excellent makeup remover and you can even use it as a highlighter on your face! The uses are endless. It sounds too good to be true, but I’m a convert so far. I was on medication for my acne, and I used a bunch of different products and nothing worked. Not to mention my eczema has been on overload lately. The eczema is gone, and my pimples are diminishing.

And you only have to use a minute amount of product. This stuff can last you at least 6 months, so for 30 bucks it’s worth every dollar!

Product Review: Max Factor, Laura Mercier

4 Dec

So I gave the Max Factor Pan-Stik a try, and this is my review:

First, this is a full-coverage foundation, so it’ll cover any redness/acne you have on your skin, which is a plus for me and my eczema! The foundation also has an old lady smell to it. However, you can’t smell it once you’ve applied it to your face.

When you first apply the foundation, it’s beautiful and flawless. I love how it makes my face look! Enjoy it while it lasts, though. Three hours later it’ll all be sitting in your pores, will easily come off your face and make every flaw visible. Needless to say I am unimpressed with this foundation, and am once again foundationless. *SIGH*

The next foundation I buy will be Laura Mercier’s Silk Creme Foundation! It’s a full coverage foundation specifically made for dry skin, so this would be perfect for my eczema, methinks. And Sephora has a great return policy, so I’m not too concerned if it ends up not being my cup of tea. 🙂

The End of an ERA: Max Factor Discontinued in the USA

19 Sep

This is so sad…Max Factor has been around FOREVER. 😦

I was going to go foundation hunting this weekend, and Max Factor was first on my list of things to try. Boo. 😦

I’m looking up reviews on cheap makeup (Revlon, Maybelline, Cover Girl, etc.). None of them seem combination-skin-friendly! @#$#@$^@! (Imagine a 30 second sound bite strewn with obscenities and references to tea-bagging) .

Oh and Maybelline sucks donkey balls. I know I’ve already said it, but I’ll say it again – what is up with the small amount of shades they have?! MEH.

Benefit has a concealer that looks amazing (I’ve been told you can just use that instead of foundation because it covers imperfections so well), but it’s 26 DOLLARS [As opposed to euros or conch shells? – editor’s note]. *sniff*

I’ve never used Max Factor foundation before, so I’m going to buy some tomorrow! 😀

I’m most likely going to buy their Pan-Stik foundation, and if they have it, their Pancake one. I really want the pancake one to be there, because in its heyday Judy Garland was their spokesperson for it! Which means it’s a vintage product! And you know I loves the vintage. But I heard it can be hard to find, so cross your fingers!

Update: Just found out Pan-Stik is vintage too! Below is an ad for Pancake from 1952.


By Next Year, We’ll ALL Be Glamorous!

17 Sep
Dita’s coming out with a beauty book AND perfume! I am getting them both. She’s also doing a music album as well, and her favorite foundation is True Match by L’Oreal. Hmm. I tried the concealer, but it was nothing to write home about. Perhaps the foundation is different? Now I’m dying to get it!

Speaking of foundation, I tried the new 24 hour one by Maybelline. I love how it doesn’t cake on the face (when it comes to that it’s even better than Revlon’s Colorstay), but damn, their choice of shades are TERRIBLE. The palest shade still makes me look orange. *sigh*

It's just not fair to look this good.

It's just not fair to look this good.

The 2009 Boob Report

27 Aug

Welcome to the the 2009 Boob Report – The State of the Brassiere. The world economy is still supported by the rise and fall of breasts, wouldn’t you know it.

Remember the time RetroVixen got stuck under her bed because of her large mammary glands? Incidents such as these are apparently not that uncommon, although less common than men getting their members stuck in things and requiring paramedics. Why do breasts get so much attention? Why does a decent bra have to cost so much? Isn’t a decent-fitting bra a basic human right? Also, shouldn’t I have the right to let things loose if I want to (not that I do because it’s actually quite uncomfortable to run after the garbage truck bra-less)?

I don’t have babies to breast feed, so right now my breasts are just hanging out like free-riding roommates that refuse to clean up their side of the apartment or even spring for pizza once in a while. Don’t get me wrong, I am grateful for what I’ve been given and the fact that they’re not yet at my knees or look like pancakes with melted butter on top is a reason to give thanks. Still, they’re uneven, require maintenance, cause discomfort, get me into trouble at church, and wear out expensive bras faster than Glenn Beck alienates sponsors.

I’m a recovering shopaholic. Well, recovering in a relative sense meaning that I still buy unnecessary things but now I have a weekly budget on such purchases, except for the odd time when I need to feel better, or there’s a sale and then there’s no cap on my expenditure but that doesn’t happen that often, honest and who the f*@$ are you to judge me! Right. My point is that the thought of bra shopping is very sobering for me. It’s enough to make me put my platinum credit card back in my wallet. I HATE IT.

Some girls like to buy frilly, lacy, padded breast-decoration. I prefer something that lifts, separates, does not itch, hides my nipples, and has reinforced stitching so that the damned underwire doesn’t pop out and impale me in my armpits. In the scheme of things, I am not asking for much. I’ve had breasts now for over two decades, and the only bra that I have found that has met all my requirements isn’t from Victoria’s Secret or Maidenform or whatever. It’s a department store knock-off of VS’s t-shirt bras – JCPenney’s Ambrielle line. My breasts actually get happy when they know it’s time to put on one of these. So far, I haven’t had any wardrobe malfunctions with these, like the time I was at church and flashed the pastor, or the time I was at a Sci-Fi convention and flashed Admiral Caine. I should charge admission, really.

Anyway, in honor of this year’s Boob Report, here are a couple sites to check out:

10 Things You Shouldn’t Say to a Girl with Huge Boobs

You probably shouldn’t say these things compiled by Asylum.com to a man with huge boobs either. Men can be sensitive about their man-boobs. To the list I would also add “I could swear that your right one is bigger” and “Can I name the twins/girls?”

People Caught Looking

thechive.com has a gallery of photos of individuals, from children to politicians, caught staring at cleavage. Sometimes it cannot be helped. I’ve not only been caught but I’ve been caught staring at my own cleavage. Think about that for a minute.